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Contact Bear for New Dancer information & classes and for Brush Up Series
Nationals The Best Experience Ever
Rendezvous in Rockies w/ GhostRiders
Are you looking for a really fun square dance? You should attend any of the dances that are called by Bear Miller! It's not just a square dance . . . it's a full evening of entertainment. Bear is a high-energy caller and always puts on a show. His choreography is inventive, challenging, and full of interesting twists and turns as he takes his dancers through any level of square dancing. He is enthusiastic, friendly and always very approachable. He clearly loves calling and personally interacting with his dancers.. All in all, it's hard to beat an evening square dancing with Bear. The social connections, physical exercise and mental stimulation keep us coming back again and again to see what new surprises he has in store for us.

Wayne & Janet Doughty